Where Were You?

2020 Was a strange time.
In spite of so much uncertainty with regards to health and the economy we managed to ride out another season.
To our surprise this ended up being one of our busiest season yet.
Camps were booked up with waiting lists. Boards were sold out. Emails were flooding in and our retailers could not get enough boards.
Travel bans and 14 day quarantines all over the world forced people to look closer to home for new activities.
Skimboarding was one of them. For the first time in years people decide to stay local and head to places they had neglected or overlooked for so long.
People biked to the beach. People learned to skimboard. People dusted off their old board and give it another shot.
As usual we found our safe and happy place at the beach either solo or with friends.
Skimboarding fell into a category that most people had not grown to appreciate until they were forced to simplify their lives and realize there is a boardsport and adventure waiting for them that did not require a huge financial investment or involve lengthy travel.
We can’t predict the future but we know that skimboarding will survive in the worst of times and is here to stay.
An easy access, low cost and healthy safe distance activity seems to be the simplest way to describe its benefits.
Long summer days at the beach with friends, pushing yourself to learn new tricks, getting home slightly sunburnt and sandy is why we love it.
For us, we will keep on carrying the torch and building skimboarding scenes all over the planet. We will teach the youth and spread the love of our sport.